What Kind of Items Require Plastisol Dip Coating the Most?

Plastisol dip coating involves the use of plastisol, a PVC-based substance offering a soft and rubbery feel when cured. The material is widely used for molding and dipping thanks to its high durability. 

One of the biggest pluses of the material is its ability to accept different textures, finishes, and colors. This feature makes it one of the most versatile dip molding materials available currently.

The section below lists a few items that require plastisol dip molding most badly.

Safety Equipment: Plastisol is the molding material of choice for a range of safety equipment including litter baskets and gloves. The coating insulates the items and makes gripping them much easier.

Too Handles: Plastisol makes gripping tools much easier during extreme weather conditions. Additionally, the coating makes tools more visible and ensures that users don’t get injured by electrical current.

Playground Equipment: Authorities never look beyond this dip coating type when getting playground equipment ready. Since plastisol is rubbery and soft, it successfully protects kids from sharp/rough edges and intense impacts.

Moreover, as the coating can be in various attractive colors, playground equipment with plastisol coating appears extremely attractive to children.

Hangers and Hooks: Hangers and hooks with plastisol coating are safer to use. Thanks to the soft nature of the coating, it is unlikely to damage any garment, towel, or fabric you hang on those hangers and hooks.

One service provider you can rely on to get plastisol dip molding done is Carlisle Plastics Company. You can contact the business to know more about their dip molding services.

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We are an Ohio plastics company and manufacturer of standard and custom dip molded plastic PVC products and plastisol dip coating services.